The Best Places to Take Photos of Your Car in Toronto


Your car is cool. You love posting photos of it. But somehow you can never get your shots to look like what you see in other profiles. While a lot goes into taking a great shot, the setting is one of the most important factors. So finding the best places to take photos of your car in Toronto can instantly improve your shots.


With its hills and valleys, proximity to the lake and mix of urban styles, Toronto has lots of great spots for photo opportunities with your car. But you need to decide on the look and feel. You can do anything from a nice shot in autumn leaves to something straight out of industrial sci-fi. And if you’re using a DSLR camera, you can add more variety with a zoom or wide-angle lens.


These are just a few suggestions, chosen because they offer a variety of different settings.

  1. Scarborough Bluffs – We started with The Bluffs because it is the largest, most striking geographic feature in Toronto. And you can set-up your car right at the foot of the cliff. There are other photo ops at Bluffers Park too, including sunrise over the Lake Ontario.
  2. The Entrance to Taylor Creek Park – This one has two great photo ops as you enter the park on the east side of Don Mills Rd. at the DVP. First, the Elevated Wetlands, (you might know them as the Molars or the Polar Bears!) on your right offer an eclectic “what the heck is that” vibe to your shots. Just to the north is a bridge across Taylor Creek that’s been used in countless movies and TV shows as settings for things like border checkpoints into enemy territory.
  3. Graffiti Alley – Perhaps most famous as the setting for Rick Mercer’s Rants, Grafitti Alley, on Rush Lane, south of Queen St. between Spadina and Bathurst, is a popular spot for automotive photography too. It doesn’t get more urban than this.

Is your car ready for the shoot? Even if you wash and polish it, little ‘blemishes’ can still ruin your shots. To get the best photos possible, and make your car look like new again, think about treating it to scratch repair in Toronto.

If you liked this post, check out our last article on three ways to minimize scratches on your vehicle’s paint finish.

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